VLCD shakes and protein powder supplements

Lightly Weight Loss Shakes and Protein Powder Supplements

If possible, please support our dietitian Carly Barlow’s newly released pre-op and post-op weight loss shake and protein powder supplements  

The number for Carly’s virtual assistant is 1800 955 821
*This is Carly’s private business independent of The Specialist Haus or the Gold Coast Private Hospital  

Carly also has a tv program on channel 9 and online Please search for www.gemlife.com.au/livingproof/  

Free meal plan available from website https://www.themetabolicdietitian.com.au/  
The Lightly shakes website is www.lightlyforlife.com.au
The benefits of Lightly Shakes Contents:  

Has higher protein content with over 40g protein per serve. This is double the amount of protein from some of the other common VLCD shakes on the market.  

Has low carb and sugar content with less than 5g carbohydrate and monkfruit (a perennial vine from the gourd family). The Mogroside fruit extract is sweet, natural and is almost zero calorie.  

No artificial colours, flavours, sweeteners or preservatives.

Natural ingredients are used such as Mogroside and natural cacao powder (an anti-oxidant)  

Has dietary fibre for healthy bowel habits and favourable gut microbiome that leads to reduced inflammation in the body. The choc flavour has 5.3g of fibre which is around the same as a serve of Metamucil  

Has prebiotics which provides the fuel for healthy gut bacteria, leading to benefits such as improved mood, reduced obesity, improved metabolic health and reduce inflammation  

Has probiotics which contains bifido bacteria and lactobacillus bacteria, linked to improvements in gut health and symptoms such as bloating, gas and abdominal cramping  

Has collagen which is necessary for healthy hair, skin and nails   Has medium chain triglycerides MCT oil, which is linked to weight loss and improved blood sugar control

Has a more balanced vitamins and minerals content, including magnesium (relaxes muscles, improves insulin sensitivity, help to reduce blood pressure and improved sleep), calcium (improved bone health), B vitamins (for energy), zinc (antioxidant, brain healthy, immune system)  

Has chromium, which helps to improve blood sugar regulation, appetite suppression, also has anti inflammatory and antioxidant function  

Has beneficial natural enzymes such bromelian and papain derived from fruits for improved digestion  

Is gluten free and has very low lactose content  

The benefits of Lightly Shakes Taste  

The shakes are potentially better tolerated by the general public because does not contain preservatives, artificial sweeteners or synthetic chemicals.  

Options available are:  

Flavourless powder which can be mixed into any fluids, soups, puree or normal solid food (for both sweet and savoury drinks or dishes)  

Flavours include vanilla and chocolate which can be mixed with water  

The Metabolic Dietitian  

For patients who wish to see Carly Barlow or Zoe Cooke from The Metabolic Dietitian

They provide
*Online support
*Phone app and website guidelines
*Meal plans – includes handy shopping lists, food recipes in PDF and online format  
*Handy PDFs to guide you through the program (eg allowed foods, mindset)
*Teaches you how to eat for long term sustainability  

Lightly VLCD and protein supplements Purchase  

Can be purchased from Carly separately

Or as a package with meal plans, handouts, coaching and instructions
Pre-op diet preparations
Before bariatric surgery to lose weight and reduce the size of the fatty liver, patients are recommended to have either:
Low calorie diets (LCD) are usually 800 to 1200 kcal/day
Very low calorie diet (VLCD) are usually 500 to 80 kcal/day
The pre-op diet should include:
A diet with much reduced carbohydrate (<30g a day), with at least 20% protein and less than 30-35% fat
*The VLCD ketogenic diet is for weight loss, the reduction of the fatty liver size, improve glycaemic control, to prevent loss of lean muscle mass and provide the body with the essential dietary fatty acids (omega 3, 6, 9)
Sugar or sugar containing drinks (fruit juice, soft drinks, alcohol) as well as artificial sweeteners are prohibited.
Small servings of fruits and leafy vegetables/salads are permitted to provide the body with dietary fibre as well as the necessary vitamins and minerals
Plenty of water (>1.5 to 2 litres a day) should be drunk to prevent dehydration, muscle cramps, constipation, etc
Below is a generic example of a simple pre-op preparation
Please consult your dietitian about your specific needs and individual requirements (allergies, etc)

VLCD – Very Low Calorie Diet
Patients with a BMI of 40 will need to commence VLCD for at least 2 to 3 weeks before elective bariatric surgery.
Patients with a BMI of 60 or higher should commence the VLCD 6 to 8 weeks before elective bariatric surgery.
Please try to lose as much weight as possible before the surgery, to reduce the size of the fatty liver. If there are technical problems during surgery the operation will be abandoned.

VLCD come in many different forms (soups, shakes, bars, desserts, etc.) and in many different flavours.
The aim of the VLCD diet is roughly about 1,000 calories per day, with enough protein, vitamins and minerals that you need every day to reduce the fatty liver size and provide you with essential micronutrients.

VLCD meal replacements are consumed three times per day.
You may have steamed non-starchy vegetables or salads (no potato, corn, peas, pumpkins or squash) for lunch and dinner.
The recommended vegetables are usually green leafy vegetables/salads (asparagus, bean sprouts, beetroot, basil, bok choy, broccoli, brussel sprouts, cabbage, capsicum, cauliflower, carrot, celery, cucumber, garlic, ginger, lettuce, mushroom, onion, radish, rocket, silverbeat, spinach). You may add salt and olive oil to the vegetables.

One to two slices of fruit a day (paw paw, water melon, guava, rockmelon, nectarine, peach, berries, tomatoes, cucumber, avocado) and a very small handful of raw tree nuts for lunch/dinner are beneficial.
If you have 2 VLCD prep a day then healthy protein meal once a day may be included, with the advice from your dietitian. Tofu, less than 2 eggs, 100g of lean meat, chicken or fish a day is allowed. Some dietitians will also allow 1 cup of milk or high protein low fat yoghurt. Alternatively for those patients who don’t eat meat, protein powder supplements may be added to the VLCD shakes.

Have at least 2 to 3 litres of water per day to prevent dehydration or constipation. Avoid sugar drinks (fruit juice, honey), dairy products, iced coffee/chocolate, soft drinks, energy drinks and alcohol.
Post op dietary recommendations
Below are some general information for patients.
Please consult your dietitian about your specific needs and individual requirements (allergies, etc)

Obviously the dietary macronutrition and micronutrient requirements varies a lot between individuals depending on their age, height, gender, level of physical activities, pregnancy or the types of bariatric surgery.
In general to lose weight after bariatric surgery, a calorie deficit (negative energy balance) diet is needed
*In the first 1 to 2 months on average patients usually consume 500 kcal/day
*In the first year on average patients usually consume less than 1 000 kcal/day
For pregnant ladies after bariatric surgery an additional 200 kcal/day may be needed with adequate vitamin/mineral supplement (especially iron, folate, B12, vitamin D) and to reduce the level of vitamin A supplement
After bariatric surgery adequate protein intake (60-100g/day) or the addition of protein supplements are usually recommended to prevent the loss of lean body muscle mass and prevent protein malnutrition (albumin <25g/l)
*Whey, egg white, casein, cow milk or soy milk are recommended to provide the body with the essential amino acids
*Whey protein (branched chain amino acids) is one of the most commonly used protein powder supplements
There are low lactose content or lactose free supplements available on the market as well
Weight regain can and will occur after any types of bariatric surgery due to multiple factors, some of which are unavoidable.
Some studies have shown that energy and carbohydrate intake were significantly higher at 3 to 5 years compare to 1-2 years after a sleeve gastrectomy. The overall quality of macronutrients (especially protein) were lower after 3-5 years compared to the first 2 years.
*Hence please continue the post op care with a bariatric dietitian to ensure that you are having good nutrition and follow the right path to long term mainteinance of weight loss